Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Platos Republic Essay - 896 Words
Platos Republic â€Å"the having and doing of one’s own and what belongs to one would be agreed to be justice.†(The Republic 434a) In other words the above statement means that justice, according to Plato, is doing only the tasks assigned to them by nature. This is the fundamental notion for his creation of an ideal city. It is both knowing what true justice is and where one belongs in the city that the ideal can be achieved. What this means to politics in the ideal city is that only a certain class of person has the ability to engage in politics, just as only a certain person has the ability to engage in carpentry. Those who engage in politics would be the philosophers because just as the ideal individual searches for†¦show more content†¦A third class, auxiliaries, would be in charge of carrying out what the philosophers, guardians of the city, decided. However, Plato does admit that this system is a hierarchy with the philosophers at the top, but he allows this bec ause they are the only ones who can find universal truths and pass it on to those who cannot see it. To Plato the above is his vision of a justice. Within his idea of justice, Plato also has three other virtues to help categorize those within the city and find justice in the city itself- wisdom, courage, and moderation, all ideals that would sustain the city and nurture it. Wisdom is found in the philosophers, courage in the auxiliaries, and moderation found in all classes. Philosophers need wisdom and the need to know what justice is. The auxiliaries, say soldiers, need courage to protect the interests of the city. Finally, all classes need to demonstrate moderation so as not to develop injustices through excess luxury, the only luxury that a city can have is philosophizing. These virtues, if found in a city, can also help one to distinguish it as a just city. Therefore, within Plato’s definition of a division of labour making a city just, he also identifies other components of it. But, for the ideal city to be nurtured, all the divisions listed must beShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Platos Republic Essay458 Words  | 2 PagesPhilosophy is a Greek word meaning love of wisdom. Throughout Platos Republic, wisdom plays an important role. According to Plato, education is wisdom. In the passage, 518d, Plato discusses the true meaning of education vicariously through Socrates. Some literary mechanisms can be found in the passage and I will sho w how they fit in the text and how they contribute to the main themes of Platos Republic. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Outlier Free Essays
1. The large difference between how I have thought and understood success compared to the way Malcolm Gladwell argues is the circumstances and families that create success. Previous to reading this book, I strongly believed that the way to become successful was to put in hard work. We will write a custom essay sample on Outlier or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, my theory to success was similar along the lines to what Malcolm Gladwell discusses earlier in the book. He says, â€Å"Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good†(Gladwell, 2008). I believed if you practiced what you want to be successful at everyday, you would eventually end up reaching your goal. However, after reading Malcolm Gladwell’s opinion my beliefs are now different. One of the more important examples Malcolm Gladwell mentions that showed how different I thought was the success story of Bill Gates. I personally believed that Bill Gates was successful only because he was an intelligent man who was driven by hard work and his goal to create the personal computer. Previous to this novel my only education on Bill Gates was from reading short articles about him and from what I have heard from friends and teachers. What I did not know about Bill Gates was his given circumstance and the support from his family and others. Malcolm Gladwell mentions that there important opportunities that were â€Å"incredible lucky series of events†(Gladwell, 2008), that created his success. Some of the opportunities Bill Gates was given were his â€Å"free computer time at the University of Washington†(Gladwell, 2008) and also previous to that his mother along with others â€Å"had enough money to pay for his high school Lakesides computer fees†(Gladwell, 2008). Without the circumstance of Bill Gates receiving free computer time, chances are he wouldn’t have been nearly as intelligent and innovative with computers as he is today. To reiterate Malcolm Gladwell’s argument about super achievers are successful because of their families, in Bill Gates circumstance it is true. He wouldn’t have had the opportunity to practice with computers at a young age if his mother couldn’t afford to pay for the schools computer fees. Based on Bill Gates example Malcolm Gladwell writes about, it creates a credible argument to how he believes how to become successful. I did not even consider before reading this novel that family and the fortunate circumstances you are given are a substantial part to ones success. However, now it is crucial that it is not overlooked. 2. In my opinion, the â€Å"cultural language†in the United States varies across the country depending on where you are from. I believe that in some regions of the United States the cultural language is similar to the language represented by the co-pilot Koltz in â€Å"The Ethnic Theory of Plane Crashes†(Gladwell, 2008). However, I also believe in other vicinities in the United States the cultural language is outgoing and in the situation presented in the plane crash chapter, the cultural language would have been much more extrovert. The cultural language across the United States has emerged and evolved based on where you and your parents are from and how you were raised. Moments before the plane â€Å"Avianca 052†(Gladwell, 2008) crashed after running out of fuel, Co-Pilot Mauricio Klotz attempted to warn Kennedy Airport that their airplane did not have the sufficient amount of fuel to land. However, because Klotz was using â€Å"his own cultural language†, the controllers were not able to comprehend the trouble Avianca 052 was really in. I believe Klotz’s mitigated speech during this problem is similar to some cultural languages in the United States. For example, Malcolm Gladwell discusses Robert Sternberg’s theory of â€Å"practical intelligence†(Gladwell, 2008). To Sternberg, practical intelligence is â€Å"knowledge that helps out read situations correctly and get what you want†(Gladwell, 2008). It is clear that Klotz’s cultural language lacked practical intelligence. However, I believe numerous cultures in the United States also lack the same intelligence. Malcolm Gladwell recalls a study where â€Å"Annette Lareau conducted a fascinating study of a group of third graders†(Gladwell, 2008). Results of the study showed that lower-class children are â€Å"quiet and submissive†(Gladwell, 2008). Therefore, children and adults who are from lower-class families very well could have responded the same way Klotz did during a time of emergency. The cultural language of the United States can also be outgoing and far from â€Å"quiet and submissive†. Malcolm Gladwell discusses the South and the personalities people possess there. From results of an experiment, it had shown that Southerners were more willing to stand up for themselves. The experiment consisted of calling them an â€Å"asshole†to see if it â€Å"caused their levels of testosterone and cortisol-the hormones that drive arousal and aggression-to go up†(Gladwell, 2008). The results were the Southerners â€Å"were angry, their cortisol and testosterone jumped. Their handshakes got firm†. It is easy to predict how a Southerner would have reacted to a plane moment’s way from crashing if they react strongly to simply being called a derogatory name. My guess is that if a Southerner was a co-pilot, the controllers at Kennedy Airport would have understood the trouble the airplane was in. I believe our vast cultural language derived from what Malcolm Gladwell would call â€Å"the culture of honor†(Gladwell, 2008). The â€Å"culture of honor†describes people behave the way they do because of where â€Å"you grew up or where your parents grew up†¦where your great-grandparents and your great-great-grandparents grew up and even where your great-great-great-grandparents grew up†(Gladwell, 2008). This explains our difference in the United States culture because the majority of the people living in the United States families were once immigrants. People come from all over the world to live in the U. S. and that is why are culture is different from any others. I believe our vast cultural language works in favor with our social structure because it matches with the supply and demand of our economy. For example, there are plenty of jobs in the United States where people who respect their superiors and are afraid to speak up can work. Also, there are opportunities to open up your own business if you contain traits similar to Malcolm Gladwell’s example of a Southerner and do not mesh well with being told what to do. 3. When Gladwell says that biologists talk about the ‘ecology’ of an organism he is referring to why certain organisms are more successful than others. Malcolm Gladwell is inferring that the â€Å"tallest oak in the forest is the tallest not just because it grew from the hardiest acorn†(Gladwell, 2008). It is the tallest oak in the forest because of many more reasons. Reasons that include luck and some things that cannot be controlled. For example, when discussing about oak trees, Gladwell mentions that one oak tree is the tallest because â€Å"no other tree blocked its sunlight†¦no rabbit chewed through its bark†¦ and no lumberjack cut it down before it matured†(Gladwell, 2008). Gladwell’s point of the ecology of this certain tree is that is it the most successful because of certain circumstances it was placed in. The â€Å"Matthew Effect†or also known as â€Å"accumulative advantage†is when â€Å"those who are successful are most likely to be given the kinds of special opportunities that lead to further success†(Gladwell, 2008). Malcolm Gladwell’s example of accumulative advantage is hockey players and how at a young age they achieve success. Gladwell discusses that â€Å"the professional hockey player starts out a little bit better than his peers. And that little difference leads to an opportunity that makes that difference a bit bigger†(Gladwell, 2008). An important implication of the hockey example is that the similarities in the age of the hockey players who have had success. The majority of the hockey players in Canada are born in â€Å"January, February, and March†(Gladwell, 2008). Because of the fact that these professional hockey players were born in the beginning of the year they had an advantage over those who were born later in the year. The reason why they have an advantage is because when they were young they were bigger and more matured than those who were born later in the year. Since that these hockey players were bigger than the other kids they were given the opportunity to play hockey at more of an elite level. This is a prime example of â€Å"The Matthew Effect†and it explains that ones who are successful are given more opportunities to be more successful. However, accumulative advantage and ecology both are very similar. For example, along with the accumulative advantage in the hockey player instance there is also ecology to it. As mentioned earlier, the ecology of an organism is lucky or uncontrollable circumstances that occur. For the most part, the date of birth of a person is often uncontrollable and is not often planned. Accumulative advantage and ecology as seen in this example, are often correlated with one another. In both the Matthew Effect and the ecology and an organism, people are given a better opportunity. References Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers. New York: Little,Brown and Company. How to cite Outlier, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Web and Data Security
Questions: 1) What are the five tasks required to get ready for a risk assessment? Explain each one in your own terms and why the task is important.2) Discuss the threats associated with privileged user accounts? Please support your views from sources other than the assigned reading and also the text book.3) Using fig 3 the generic risk model in the document and the threat identified in question 2. Identify the risks at the Organizational level, business process level and information system level.4) Based on the risks identified, recommend the information system policies that would be required. You do not need to write the policy in detail, simply provide the title and one sentence describing the policy. Answers: 1. The five tasks required ready for risk assessment are: Step 1: Identification the assessment purpose: In order to the current prevailing situation the organization needs to understand the difference between hazards and risks. A hazard is the potential to cause harm; whereas risk is the likelihood of the released potential harm (Sharma, Kottahachchi Theebaprakasam, 2013). It can be easily identified by using a couple of technique around the employee workplace. Step 2: Identify the scope of the assessment: This step of risk assessment helps the organization to determine: (i) what categories are transmit the assessment, (ii) it specifies (how and what) part of the assessment are get affected in the organization, (iii) decision making process involved in the risk assessment, (iv) at what time span organization rules are relevant and (v) what influence the organization to update the risk assessment (Kim, Kim Park, 2014). The scope of risk assessment also implies the overall information and report of conducting the assessment. It mainly depends upon the organization authorization boundary of information system (Kottahachchi, Shih Theebaprakasam, 2015). Step 3: Identification of constraints and assumptions associated with the assessment: It is very important to make certain assumptions and constraints for higher clarity as it helps the company management to increase productivity of assessment results. It includes threats events, threats sources, vulnerabilities conditions and approaches of assessment. Besides these, organizations also tend to identify several constraints which include availability of resources, skills assessment and business operational activities. Step 4: Identification of sources of information in input assessment: The fourth step of risk assessment enables the organization to determine the vulnerability and threat relevant information. It generally divided into two segments internal sources of information and external sources of information (Sharma, Kottahachchi Theebaprakasam, 2013). The sources of information include the information like business processes, functional management processes, enterprise architecture and organization environmental infrastructure. Step 5: Review the risk assessment: In this approach, the organization facilitates and identifies the type of models used to accelerate the risk assessment task. 2. The threats that are associated with privileged user accounts are: Transcript of Security Accounts Threats: It is very important to have a proper security account with its password on the device. Avoid using consoled sign in procedures at any point of time. Privileged inside threats: It generally includes mitigating and recycling credentials by sing default password account (Kottahachchi, Shih Theebaprakasam, 2015). It is a very flexible system of authentication by logging it from more than one device. Spoofing attacks threats: It is primarily seen that hackers usually spoof users personal email accounts by mitigating unauthorized access from the system. The threats involved in organizational and business process level is very similar to risk involved in privileged user accounts. There is an absence of hybrid control systems, system specific controls and common controls which enables professional hackers to accelerate the mitigation user account system (Hamlen Thuraisingham, 2013). There are various similar threats that can replicate themselves and spread from one computer to another. They generally arrive by attaching themselves to files or email messages. The phishing threat is very well known threats involved in privileged user accounts. It implies attempting the gain access to financial details, passwords, and other personal privileged information. It is normally done by email messages that pretend to come from any trusted websites or instant messaging or from any social networks. 3. There are various types of risk involve in company management, information system technology risk and business process level risk. These primary risks are classified into strategic risk, financial risk, operational risk and hazard risk (Sharma, Kottahachchi Theebaprakasam, 2013). It is very important to make certain constraints for higher clarity as it helps the company management to increase production assessment. It includes threats events, threats sources, vulnerabilities conditions and approaches of assessment. The sources of information include the information like business processes, functional management processes, and enterprise architecture and organization environmental infrastructure. Risk at organizational level: The risks involved in organizational level includes: acquisition risks, regulatory or compliance risk, legal risk, financial risk, safety risk, program risk, operational risk, supply chain risk, supply chain risk and tolerance risk. Additionally, there are several risk involved in internal company management like: operational planning risk, interim report risks and strategic risks (Hamlen Thuraisingham, 2013). Risk at business process level: The risk at business process level includes: defining the core business process and missions with company aim and objectives, developing an organizational narrow details; protection incorporating strategy, accelerating the degree of autonomy for manipulating organizations with the parent company management which includes accepting, mitigating, evaluating and accessing and data security risk. Other business process risk includes: action plan risks, evaluation risk and establishment risk. Risk at information system level: The risk involved in information system level includes information quality risk, equipment software risk, contingency planning risk, security architecture risk, data accuracy risk, project team risk, usability risk, political and strategic risk and resources risk. Additional there are various risk involved in information system like technical risks (communication issue, lack of experimented testers, human factor and poor coding factors) and functional risks (inexperience of a project leader, misevaluation of load and lack of client maturity). 4. The recommendations based on risk identified: As the researcher has surveyed many case studies and research paper based on risk assessment it is to be recommended that: Instead of logging in a privileged super user; it is beneficial to use an equivalent group that provides private access and characteristics of operating system like sudo or Run as that follow the permanent privileges escalation. Control on User account enables the user to accelerate privileges for software legacy that run on the system administrator. It is necessary to improve the session management by achieving compliance privileged access for remote vendors, administrators, and high risk users. The risk involved in organizational level, information level and business process level can be easily minimized by implementation of security controls system in the management which includes hybrid control systems, system specific controls and common controls (Sharma, Kottahachchi Theebaprakasam, 2013). Consideration of risk transference: Generally in many multi-national companies risk can be transferred to any third parties via an insurance policy and legal agreement. Now-a-days, most of the companies come with the cyber insurance policy to minimize the risk assessment policy (Hamlen Thuraisingham, 2013). It is strictly recommended to implement a strategy of cyber insurance policy in a company management to ensure lesser risk in future. References Hamlen, K. W., Thuraisingham, B. (2013). Data security services, solutions and standards for outsourcing.Computer Standards Interfaces,35(1), 1-5. Kim, Y., Kim, I., Park, N. (2014). Analysis of cyber attacks and security intelligence. InMobile, Ubiquitous, and Intelligent Computing(pp. 489-494). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Kottahachchi, B., Shih, K. Y., Theebaprakasam, A. (2015).U.S. Patent No. 9,152,783. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Sharma, H., Kottahachchi, B., Theebaprakasam, A., Shih, K. Y. (2013).U.S. Patent Application No. 13/485,408.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Pacific War Essays - Pacific Ocean Theatre Of World War II, Japan
Pacific War Pacific War World War II was fought across more land and involved more men than any other war in the history of human civilization. Never before or since has there been a war of such vast importance and of such a large scale. The United States had an absolutely crucial role in the outcome of this war. The U.S. was faced with the colossal challenge of waging two wars at the same time on two very different parts of the planet. The European front was, of course, the more obvious of the two considering the undeniable atrocities and evils that were being committed by Adolf Hitler. Involvement on the European front was inevitable and, generally more accessible for U.S. forces. Less than thirty years before, the United States had fought in Europe, so we were familiar with the terrain and appropriate strategy. However, the Pacific Campaign of World War II presented a unique challenge for United States Armed Forces. Never before had we fought in the South Pacific or even on terrain that resembled that of the Pacific islands. With the Army heavily involved in Europe, in December of 1941 the United States were forced into a war that it was not familiar with nor knew how to fight. Luckily, however, for the U.S., the Marine Corps were the perfect outfit for the kind of fighting need in the Pacific Campaign. Because of their training in land to sea combat, the Marines were uniquely prepared for the war that faced them, whereas, the Army could never have successfully waged war in the Pacific. Without the Marine Corps fighting in the Pacific, the whole war against Japan would not have succeeded. From 1939-1941, at the dawn of Adolf Hitler's war machine in Europe, the United States seemed above the rest of the world. Separated by the vast Atlantic Ocean, the U.S. enjoyed an incredible amount of security. We were almost entirely untouchable from the flames of war rapidly growing in Europe, and the majority of American citizens were happy to not be involved. To them, the European conflict was too far away to have any direct or meaningful impact on their lives. In fact, public opinion did not think that it was even necessary to enter the war at all. However, Roosevelt saw otherwise. He knew that a war in Europe could very well mean a war in the States. Only thirty years before, in World War I, the same kind situation had evolved into the "war to end all wars", where the United States had played a key role. So, Roosevelt desperately wanted and needed to change the minds of nearly the nearly the entire American public; this task presented an almost impossible challenge. With war beginning to be fought in Europe, England was in dire need of any aid they could receive. At the beginning, this aid came in the form of supplies furnished by the United States. Ammunition, food, clothing, and weapons of all kinds were being shipped over to Europe and creating incredible wealth for the American government. Entering the war meant losing a very profitable trade with the desperate allies in Europe. Luckily for England and for Roosevelt, the United States were soon presented with an undeniable reason for entering the war. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. This act of aggression towards America, provided for a perfect entrance into the war, and now the people of America were incited enough to back a full-scale war against Hitler and Japan. However, one huge problem still existed, and that was the problem of a two front war. Many were frightened that the U.S. had taken on a task that was a bit too much for the nation to handle. The Army was the perfect force for fighting the war in Europe. They were trained for the land combat they would face, and had knowledge of the land from World War I. In addition, the Army was already on the move to Europe, so splitting the Army into two different forces for Europe and the South Pacific was out of the question. The only option that the U.S. government had for waging war against Japan was the Marine Corps. Marine units had been stationed in the South Pacific in Australia and Samoa. They only needed to be reinforced. Especially convenient for the United States was the fact that the Marine Corps was perfectly suited for the kind of warfare that would be faced against Japan. Marines are trained specifically for land to sea and sea to land operations. In
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Analyse how Robert Zemeckis builds up tension and suspense in the time travel scene in Back To The Future Essays
Analyse how Robert Zemeckis builds up tension and suspense in the time travel scene in Back To The Future Essays Analyse how Robert Zemeckis builds up tension and suspense in the time travel scene in Back To The Future Paper Analyse how Robert Zemeckis builds up tension and suspense in the time travel scene in Back To The Future Paper Essay Topic: Film The director of back to the future, Robert zemeckis creates the feeling of tension and excitement brilliantly, especially as it is of the science fiction genre. Such things as camera angles, lighting, music, diagetic sound and setting are the wide range of media effects used to build up tension and excitement. Zemeckiss purpose throughout the film, but especially in the scene where the time travel takes place, is to capture the audiences attention by controlling their emotions and feelings towards both characters and what is happening in the film. The film Back to the Future is of a science fiction genre. The genre of a film is what type or sort of film it is, there are plenty of different type of genres ranging from horror and thriller to comedy and romance. A film genre is defined by what it is about, like a comedy would be a film that has plenty of jokes and makes you laugh. A horror would be a film that may involve a thickening plot, gory scenes and mystery. A film that has a science fiction genre tends to follow a certain trend, they all involve a hero (Doc), villain/bully (Biff), helper/assistant (Marty), a scientific idea (the car/ taking people to the future), quest (taking Marty back to the future), twists (Marty and his mum) and suspense (lightning striking and car engine failure). Throughout the film a number of different camera angles are used, this enables the director to portray the scene, characters emotions both physically and mentally and create excitement and suspense brilliantly. The time travel scene/final scene starts off with a low-angle establishing shot towards the clock this shows how powerful the clock is to the storyline and sets the scene. During this scene the camera often shifts upwards to show the storm, this creates even more excitement. High angled shots are used these make the characters look diminutive and that nature is more powerful than man. Close ups are used very often, when Marty cant start the car a close up is used on Martys face because it is trying to make the viewer think what is going on inside Martys mind. When the car does finally start you get an objective shot from the windscreen to show the relief on Martys face. When Doc slips a low angle shot looks up at him showing his vulnerability, then a close up is seen as it enables you to see that he is just hanging in mid-air and that you can see that the Doc is thinking. The director also cuts form one shot to the next very quickly this creates the atmosphere and shows the panic on the docs face and in his actions. The surrounding is also set better this way I feel. Every time the clock strikes another minute you get a shot of the clock as it makes you more aware that time is running out for them. The scene ends with a pan shot of what is left, the Doc and small blaze from where the car tyres were, this signifies by having a pan shot that the commotion is over. During the scene the lighting is very gloomy this is to portray the fact that a storm is brewing and it creates more excitement and suspense if there is dark lighting and occasional flashes of bright light. You can also sense a moody feeling being created by the lighting this shows the pressure and nervousness the characters must be feeling. When the Doc is in front of the clock, when he has just slipped the lighting is used to show a silhouette of him on the clock face this is a piece of lighting brilliance. A contrast of light/dark is seen throughout, this adds to the atmosphere. When the lightning strikes the whole scene becomes bright and still has big bursts of light. The bursts of light are when the lightning hits the clock, when the Doc pushes the two cables together and when the pole hits the cable and Marty goes back. Music plays an important role in catching the audiences attention and in the building and making of suspense. The music can be used to change a persons mood, either making them more excited or calming them down with a dramatic or a suspense moment. All the way through the film there is some sort of background noise. This varies from orchestral to the clock ticking. The orchestral music has many a different types of instruments involved. All these instruments together create a fuller sound, adding to the excitement already built. The music in this scene is very tense and scurrying like and in some parts very fast, and also tends to speed up when something dramatic has happened thus emphasising that time is running out. At the very end of the scene once Marty has been sent Back to the Future, there is immediate silence, this acts as a complete contrast between the previous frantic ambiences. The silence is then followed by a single brass instrument playing the same military tune as before. The fact that there is now only one solitary instrument playing emphasises that Doc is now on his own. As the camera pans out the empty scene, a radio plays a tune current to the time, this shows that normality has returned. The sounds used in the film are the clock ticking, clock bell ringing and both human voices of Marty and Doc can also be heard. The diagetic sounds create added excitement and worry, when the bell rings it interrupts a crucial moment and worries the audience. The ticking of the clock is significant because its shows that time is passing by, therefore they dont have much time left, this makes the audience uncomfortable as they are worried. The two main characters of Marty and Doc are used brilliantly to get the audience excited and also maintain the audiences enthusiasm in the film, as it is never a dull moment in the film because you dont know what each character is going to do next. The two characters are very different from each other. The Doc is a desperate yet brave, eccentric, quick-thinking, persistent character. He will do anything to make his invention work. Marty however is powerless, very trusting towards the mad Doc and also a typical teenager as he has bad time keeping and bad luck through out. The Doc is dressed smartly and like a typical scientist this makes you take him seriously, but you soon find out hes as mad as a hatter. Marty is dressed like a typical teenager, jeans etc as he is a teenager the things he does are normal. The setting of this scene is in and around the clock tower, this is important as it signifies the importance of the clock in the film because it makes the clock the main attraction/centre piece. By having the clock in this scene it shows that time has been a major effect on the outcome of the film, their lives and others around them. It shows the film to be about past/present and future. As this scene also evolves around lightning (it being struck at a particular moment), its a dangerous thing to happen because they are trying to control it, this makes it even more unpredictable. The atmosphere is created even more as at every minute you get a shot of the clock this symbolises that time is running out. During the scene there is a lot of bad luck, as nothing seems to go right, Martys late, tree falling, car not starting and Doc slipping are examples of the misfortunes that occur. Marty is wearing 1980s style cool clothes i.e. body warmer, the audience now identifies that Marty is a helpless and typical unknowing teenager. The lighting during the scene is dismal very bleak and mainly dark, this helps the scene to become more unpredictable and filled with panic and excitement. The high angle shots show throughout that nature is the over-powering effect in this scene. The mise-en-scene is the overall style of an extract, film in this case. It is what the director is trying to achieve and the ways he achieves these things. The variety of media effects used throughout this film by Zemeckis makes the film more exciting and creates more tension. The constant orchestral sounds in the background speed up when a scene is getting more exciting or when something has gone wrong, this adds to the audiences emotions. Likewise when a frantic bit has finished a bang or quick flash of light signifies that this bit of commotion is over. The ranges of camera angles enable us to see the surroundings, the clock, the actions of each character and the emotions of each character. Close ups are used to show emotions on faces, pan shots are sued to show surroundings and high-angle, low-angle and long shots show what the characters are up to. Without all these different and brilliantly planed media effects Back To The Future would not of been the success that it was.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How I Messed Up On My First Jobâ€and What You Can Learn From My Mistakes!
How I Messed Up On My First Job- and What You Can Learn From My Mistakes! â€Å"Why?†This is a question asked by children incessantly all over the world. â€Å"Why†is an essential inquiry into how the world works. It seems some â€Å"why†questions are acceptable signs of curiosity, whereas others are met with â€Å"Because I said so.†As adults, it’s the same way. We are encouraged to get to the source of the â€Å"why†in science, for instance, but when we are given a task by a supervisor, we are often discouraged from asking why; managers can see the question as an affront to their authority. Do you get offended when someone asks you why? Are you afraid to ask because you might be considered recalcitrant? Consider this story. My First Job As a high school student, I got my first â€Å"real†job as a cashier at Carrot Top Pastries, a small bakery known for making the best carrot cake in New York City. After receiving brief instructions on how to use the register, I set out on my first day of work. Very quickly, I determined that it would be much faster to hit the â€Å"no sale†button to eject the cash drawer, rather than to enter in the amount of every purchase and go through all that extra work! After all, I was a math whiz at the Bronx High School of Science and knew how to make change! I didn’t need the cash register to tell me what to do! Things went on like this for several days before the owner of the bakery discovered she had no record of what had been sold at the end of each day, and no way to balance the accounting. Oops. From this experience, I took away that I am fallible, often in the moments when I thought I was being most impressive. That hurt. I also learned that not understanding the â€Å"why†behind a task greatly increases the possibility of error. Carrot Top laid me off after a couple of weeks, not due to my erroneous ways but because of a strike at the telephone company across the street- the source of most of the bakery’s business. Still, I left that job with a humility I had not experienced before. Good Managers Explain Why Later in life, I became a manager (in a role that kept me at a safe distance from cash registers). I learned that when employees understand the big picture- the â€Å"why†- of what they are doing, they are more motivated, loyal, and productive than when they are simply given a task to do. If the Carrot Top manager had told me from the get-go that entering amounts on the cash register was how they tracked their sales and balanced their books, I would not have made the mistake I made. When I am managing, or even editing, I make a concerted effort to explain the why behind my instructions and what value the task at hand will bring to the project, client and/or organization. In March, I was in charge of putting materials together to distribute at a workshop. Part of the work my assistants were doing included cutting some of the materials. I explained to them the importance of presentation, what the materials were for, and when they would be handed out. I also stood there while the assistants started the project to do quality control. The results were beautiful! What If It’s â€Å"Obvious?†Admittedly, explaining â€Å"why†is often easier said than done. In my role, often the reason for an instruction is so obvious to me that I can’t even conceive someone else would not automatically understand. It’s often when I skip over a â€Å"why†that mistakes get made. That’s what happened with my manager at Carrot Top. I would assert that as the person doing a task we have some responsibility too. Now, when someone gives me instructions that don’t make sense to me, or when I think I have a better idea of how something should be done, my first response is to ask â€Å"Why?†Sadly, this question is not always met with enthusiasm, as some people like to have their instructions followed unquestioningly. While I understand that perspective, as a manager I would always prefer people to ask me why they are doing something before they go ahead and do it their way- or before doing it my way but resenting it. I encourage all of you to ask and answer the question â€Å"Why?†when it will create communication flow and/or prevent unplanned, potentially dangerous system changes! A Tragic Note In writing this article, I did a Google search for Carrot Top Pastries and discovered that the owner committed suicide a couple of years ago. From what I could gather, she was feeling desperation in the face of a landlord dispute for the store she had owned for 30 years. This ending truly has me asking â€Å"Why?â€
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A cross-cultural analysis of perception towards sex appeal advertising Dissertation
A cross-cultural analysis of perception towards sex appeal advertising - Dissertation Example In this research, the design taken up for the information involved the distribution of research tools to different places in an attempt to diversify the information acquired and to rule out monotony. Different towns were visited from which I gained an understanding of the information from an even deeper perspective. Research Approach The research approach incorporated in the tabulating of information was a mixture of all the four major types of research. The initial research carried out was the Advocacy research where it was arrived to the conclusion that the existing modes of research and the information acquired was not sufficient for the analysis and conclusion of the topic under review. This is from the fact that numerous people and scientists have indulged in this research method with the hope of coming to a conclusion but with the rise in technology, the information is never satisfactory. There was also the incorporation of the pragmatic approach of research. This is where ther e is the study of what professionals in the stated field have to say regarding the issue. This is important to take into account before incorporating the more popular approaches to research. This is from the fact that they offer a basis for the research and one is able to understand the waytogo buy the research and also offers one an in depth understanding of the topic under review. ... The first one involved going online and looking at several sites in an attempt to understand the different approaches that various professionals and writers had to say regarding the issue of sex appeal advertising. This method was resourceful from the fact that different opinions lead to some form of loggerheading and creates a basis for more research by individual proffesionals. With increase in research, it is clear that more information is arrived at and consequently more knowledge is articulated. Another mode of secondary research incorporated was by visiting live libraries. Libraries are known to harbor many books with different topics and the fact that the library was visited gives more credit to the information presented seeing as many books were visited. There was also the watching of many videos and documentaries that assisted understand the manner through which cultures in the prior years used to take the issue. This is compared to the manner through which contemporary cult ures percieve and act on the matter. Primary Research Primary research is the research through which a research gets information first hand without referring to any other research carried out prior to the date of research. One of the methods that I used in an effort to accumulate data through primary research was by observation. I was able to stand across a street directly opposite to a lotion advertising billboard that had a semi-naked woman photographed in it. I was able to observe the reactions that different women across all ages as they passed trough the location. From this method, I got to understand that different women of different ages had different reactions to the billboard. Women of a slightly older age were greatly offended by the billboard and could be seen frowning as
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
International finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
International finance - Assignment Example This could lead to reduced investments of the government or organizations involved in the debt, thus leading to adoption of compensatory mechanisms such as increased taxation by governments and increased product prices by organizations in order to cater for the cost. On the other hand, devaluation is likely to discourage investors from foreign countries, as governments that devalue their currency are perceived as weak. This would lead to decreased revenue and thus high rates of inflation. An increase in national income in Japan as compared to the US, with floating rates of exchange would lead to the depreciation of the rate of current exchange for Japan, and thus appreciation of the US dollar. An increase in the prices in both Japan and the US would ensure that the two countries maintain their purchasing power parity. As such, the US dollar would remain the same relative to the Japanese yen. High real interest rates in Japan would lead to appreciation in the value of their currency and subsequent depreciation in the value of the US dollar. As such, global investors would wish to hold financials in the Japanese yen. For them to buy Japanese stocks or bonds, the Japanese yen must be bought, causing it to appreciate. The fixed exchange rate system guards countries from exchange rate uncertainties by allowing countries that experience deficits in the payment balance to use their dollar reserves to finance such deficits (Arnold 891). With the decline in the number of dollars, the supply of money in the country is reduced. The interest rates thus increase in response to the reduced prices. The reduction in price results in the goods of the nation becoming more competitive at the international level, increasing capital flow into the nation. As such, the fixed exchange rate system allows different nations to establish equilibrium through balancing payments. The fixed exchange rate systems place the exchange risk
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Stages of Criminal Trial Essay Example for Free
Stages of Criminal Trial Essay There are eight stages in a Criminal Trial, the trial initiation, jury selection, openings statements, presentation of evidence, closing arguments, judge’s charge to the jury, jury deliberations and the verdict. In this essay I will focus on the jury selection stage. A criminal petit jury is very important in a trial. The jury is responsible for deciding whether a defendant committed the crime as charged. In a criminal trial there are usually 12 members in a jury. The jury selection is conducted by both the prosecution and the defense attorneys. An examination process called voir dire is performed on each potential juror, to ensure any unbiased or preconceived notions of guilt or innocence doesn’t exist. Any person desiring or summoned by a judge to sit on the panel must meet certain qualifications. An individual must be 18 years of age, be a citizen, live in the judicial area for one year, and speak English, no mental or physical conditions or any felony charges. Certain people are excused from juror duty; armed forces, professional fire, police and public officers. The Jury Act will excuse a person from jury duty on the grounds of undue hardship or an extreme inconvenience. In Florida the case of Casey Anthony vs. The State of Florida, the jury selection was difficult. The problem with this case is that the media made a big mess of the information released. Many people saw, read or heard about the case, potentially causing them to be unbiased or perceiving a notion to whether Casey was guilty or innocent. The charges and details of the evidence were released to the public. Due to the nature of this case it was titled as a high profile case. Casey Anthony’s name was all over the country; I remember during the time of the trial, the only thing on television was something about her case. There were pictures of her daughter, family and personal life. A lot of suspected evidence was shared with the public as well as information about where evidence was found. A jury selection could normally take about one day. Jurors could be removed from the selection process for any reason. The judge (Belvin Perry) dismissed more than two dozen potential jurors. The potential jurors discussed the case while in a private room with other jurors. One male juror was held in contempt of court and fined $450.00 for attempting to talk about the case with a television producer. After the long process of selecting a juror panel, the trial lasted about eight weeks and the jury was sequestered. Sequestered is when the jury is isolated from the public during the trial and deliberation. A decision was made and Casey Anthony was found not guilty. .
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Define and discuss the traditional role of a narrator Within a Blood Es
Define and discuss the traditional role of a narrator Within a Blood Brothers. Compare the role of the narrator in the Play Blood Brothers and consider how you Would present the narrator to an audience if you were the director. Blood Brothers Essay Define and discuss the traditional role of a narrator. Within a Blood Brothers. Compare the role of the narrator in the Play Blood Brothers and consider how you. Would present the narrator to an audience if you were the director. The dictionary definition of narrate – VT (a story) to tell, relate; to give an account of; (film, TV) to provide a spoken commentary for narration n – narrator n... The tradition of narration came from the Greek chorus. Their were thirteen people in the chorus; all singing and dancing. The chorus which served as the narrator, asked probing questions, and also gave great advice to the heroes. If there was any violence it was merely narrated. The purpose of the narrator is to fill in the audience and let them know what is going on. Narration is one of the most important components of a story. The characters, plot, setting, and theme are also significant; however the narrator sets the mood and also the pace of the story. In Blood Brothers the narrator plays a variety of roles for example sometimes he is at a higher status than them and also is sometimes very negative. The original Greek narrator was in a chorus which consisted of thirteen people, in the play blood brothers the narrator also sang with the characters. They usually stayed as part of the chorus or on the side of the stage. They knew everything about the characters sometimes they could see into the future like in blood brothers the narrator was preparing the audience for what was going to come next in act 4 Scene 1. They usually spoke the beginning and end of the play he narrated the beginning of the play to set the scene and at the end he was the last one to speak before they both died. In act 1 scene 1 the narrator is a storyteller. He also sounds, very negative in what he is saying as he says ‘ Brother parted from brother’ ‘Wrenched apart’ ‘A stone in the place of a heart’ which is negative she gave him away because she didn’t think she would be able to cope and also because of money as well as her other seven children. I feel that the narrator is being very hars... ...lk around so he would be in with the cast to show the equality in status at times. He would have a deep voice as many people see god as having a deep voice and as he is controlling the families and is a higher status and people see god to be in the sky. My narrator would appear at the beginning and at the end of the play he would also appear to sing with the characters he would also be standing on the balcony at the side when he would be controlling the families I would also want him to interact with the characters so I would also having him walking around in between the characters when they are frozen and he is explaining to the audience what is happening. For the body language if I was showing the bad sign off him I would make him stand in one place at a higher status staring down at the characters but if he’s in a good mood I want him walking around interacting with the characters. I would also give him a strong accent and he would also talk loud as that’s how many people see god. Conclusion The understanding of the narrator has helped me to analyse this dramatic technique by setting the scene and also explaining to the audience what is going on.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Othello: a noble character who loses but ultimately regains our sympathy Essay
Othello is most definitely an imperial character who gets assassinated by his â€Å"trusting friend†Iago. We see his nobility from the beginning, Othello is being accused of all sorts of things, still he doesn’t hide and wants to clarify the situation and even lets his wife speak for herself; he continues to prove that he is a right and just character when he is put into the position of breaking the rules to help his friend or to do what is right, which means he had to fire his own friend. From here on Othello’s behaviour is utterly despicable. However I an abundance of sympathy for him, as we know Iago’s plan however Othello can’t help but lose his peace of mind and his personality completely changes. This leaves me with deep sympathy for his human nature of getting jealous so easily. He treats Desdemona appalling and rules over without giving her an opportunity to prove herself; Othellos behaviour is reprehensible and crashes to a new low when he strikes his wife, calls her a whore and goes to the extreme of killing her. Here I have a small amount of sympathy as he is being tortured by Iago. At the end he realises what he has done and tries to redeem himself by doing the noble thing and killing himself as well. However I have no sympathy for him at this point he should have never let it come this far, he had the ability to stop it. In the opening act we immediately see the racism towards Othello. Iago proclaims to Desdemona’s father Brabantio â€Å"even now, now, very now, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe†. Brabantio is outraged by this proclamation and doesn’t believe his daughter would be capable of such betrayal. Iago adds â€Å"You’ll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse; you’ll have nephews neigh to you†and the final comment that pushes Brabantio to go in search of Othello â€Å"your daughter and the Moor are now making the beasts with two backs†. I have great compassion for Othello as in the first act without yet meeting him, we are led to believe that he is some animal that has put Desdemona under â€Å"spells and medicines bought of mountebanks†When Brabantio confronts Othello, his nobility shines through . Othello shows us that he is brave and calm. Othello doesn’t run away, he stands up for himself and refuses to fight without good reason â€Å"Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them.†Othello is definitely respectful and could almost be called a feminist. Instead of speaking on behalf of Desdemona he â€Å"send(s) for the lady to the Sagittary, and let her speak of me before her father†In Shakespearian times was an unheard of thing to do yet it was incredibly noble and respectful. Othello continues to be a model character when he chooses to do the right thing over choosing what is easy. Othello was faced with the decision to fire his close friend Cassio. He values his reputation and if he was to over look Cassio’s mistake, Othello’s professionalism would be questioned. â€Å"Cassio, I love thee; but never more be officer of mine.†I have deep sympathy for him at this point as we, the audience, know that this is all part of Iagos wretched plan to ruin Othellos life. Othello is clueless as to what â€Å"honest Iago†has in store for him. It is not until the temptation scene until Othello’s nobility immediately gives way. At this point, Iago has a heist on Othellos life. Othello has lost the ability to sleep; his peace of mind is ruined along with his nobility and his confidence in his own opinions and beliefs. As I mentioned already, Othello used to treat Desdemona with the upmost of respect and dignity, however Othellos kind and gentle personality have been drastically altered. Othello no longer gives Desdemona the opportunity to defend herself. In fact she is so clueless and confused, she doesn’t know why her loving husband has taken such a turn, she then blames his erratic behaviour on work stress saying â€Å"something sure of state†¦. hath puddled his clear spirit†Othello also calls Desdemona a â€Å"whore†when he asks â€Å"Are you not a strumpet?†I must admit I have a bit of sympathy for Othello here because he is not in his proper state of mind. However he strikes her in front of her friend and family â€Å"I (Desdemona) never gave him cause†She is in disbelief that her husband would be capable of such a thing. After this I have absolutely no sympathy for him; it is completely unacceptable to hit a woman, regardless of the circumstance. In the final scene Othello crashes to an all time low. Othello stands over his sleeping wife, preparing to kill her. Desdemona attempts to plead with Othello â€Å"And have you mercy too! I never did offend you in my life†. She asserts her innocence, but Othello smothers her. Again, I have no compassion for this act whatsoever. Desdemona did not deserve to die â€Å"a guiltless death†. After realisin the truth, Othello is crushed â€Å"Are there no stones in heaven but what serve for the thun der? Precious villain!†. Othello then makes a speech about how he would like to be remembered, and begs for punishment, he pleads â€Å"Wash me in steep-down gulfs of liquid fire!†He then does the somewhat noble thing and kills himself with a sword he had hidden â€Å"Killing myself to die upon a kiss.†It is clear to be seen that Othello is a noble character however Iago does everything he could possibly do to ruin Othello’s marriage, career and ultimately his life, which conclusively deteriorated his nobility as the play developed. I feel that he did not regain my sympathy as I feel that he took the easy way out by killing himself. Even though he was severely manipulated by Iago, the way he dealt with the situation was too harsh and if he kept a level head and addressed the issue differently, so many lives could have been saved.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Hanoi and Dear Tom
Topic1: write a postcard to your friend, telling him/her about the place where you spend your holiday Dear giap, This is a picture of MyKhe beach. It is beautiful,in the sea sight looks very romanticly. The sun shone when I and my dad were going for a walk on the beach. On the contrary, when it rise (rose) (grammar), the glow of dawn was dazzling bright red but it was not intense heat. When the sun began to appear, at the same time I had (bo 1 had) (tense) breakfast with shrimps which are big and fresh. Food was cheap and delicious. Resorts was(were) comfortable and convenient as my home. I am happy and wish you were here with me.I hope we would meet each other soon. Topic2: Kumiko ia a Japanese student who visits HCM city on a study tour. She write a postcard to her friend at home telling him/her about the city and how she lives and studies Dear Kazuko, How are you? I hope you and your family are well. I’m doing a VietNamese language course. I meet some advantages and disadva ntages when coming to live and study here. The first disadvantage, I got difficulties when communicating with many people because everyone speaks VietNamese. Then, I reach(reached) (tense) impasse about looking for accommodation because HCM city is very crowded.I still miss the Japanese food although VietNamese foods are delicious and cheap. I still do not adapt to them ( I don’t understand what you mean). Here, Pho is the most popular food among the population. I recongnize Pho is mostly commonly eaten for breakfast. I also like it, (I like it, too)especially Pho Ga (Pho with chicken). However, there are some advantages. I meet(met) some Janpanese classmates. In addition, professors are very zealous. I can ask them questions at anytime. Beside, VietNamese classmates are friendly and they help me so much. Viet Nam has many special things so I wish you will visit VN on near day.See you soon Topic3: you are going abroad for study. Write a letter to him/her to say goodbye tellin g him/her how feel on heading the news. Dear Tom, It is a nice surprise to hear that I am going abroad for study. This is wonderful news (sentence structure) but I not only sad but also qualmish and worry although I’m happy,too (incoherent: lung cung va mau thuan). Do you know the reason why? I am happy because it was(is) the opportunity I had been(was ) waiting for. I’ll be(bo tobe) approached with new education which (to)improve my knowledge. I’ll have a better diploma but I am worry(worrying). How will I live alone in a far country?I am sad and qualmish because I don’t want to be away from my small family, my friends and pretty neighbours. I don’t know how I will start new life? I am afraid of crying and missing everything. Hic! I am going to say goodbye to you! Look after yourself! I hope the time will fast elapse . (I will) come back with you and everyone on winter holiday. Try hard!!! See you soon. Topic4: Last Sunday you didn’t go out because it rained all day along. Write a letter to your friend what you did on that day. Dear Tom, You know, last Sunday I intended to visit you but it was raining cats and dogs so I had to stay in all day long.I had to find something to do. Firstly, I cleaned my room because it was dirty and untidy. Later, I cooked lunch with my Mum. We finished soon, a meal of lunch was delicious with Pho beef. My Dad praised us. I felt very happy and warm. After lunch my younger sister helped me washing dishes. After that I went back to my room and watched TV but there was no interesting chanel. I read continuously the novel which I like best and I felt asleep. In the afternoon , I got up when it was still raining . I played game online with my pretty younger sister.It was soon dark and after I had dinner(As soon as, my family had dinner after) I did some homeworks (sentence structure). When I had finished it I listened to music. I heard the song†My heart will go on†. The song that you and I like best. I hope, next Sunday it will not rain and I promise I will visit you. Topic5: you are having a birthday party. Write a letter to invite a friend to the party Dear Tom I am having a dinner party on Saturday. It is on November, 7th . I wonder if you are free on that day? Because everyday you are busy for your studying. We have not talked to each other about(in) two weeks.However that day is a night of weekend so I hope you will give me a little time to participate in my birthday party. You will be the most special guest. We will have many things to talk together. You know, I made a original plan for this important party. I will hold a party in my pretty garden. The menu has five dishes that I bet you’ll like them because I ‘ll cook them by myself. They are shrimp soup, roasted beef, barbecued meat, Indian curry, noodles and snails. After that we will dance and talk together in a(an) interesting room that I will have decorated it. I invite only twenty p eople. I am looking forward to your presence.See you then. Topic 6: write a letter to tell your brother/sister/friend what you are going to do next Sunday Dear Tom, Guess what! Next Sunday I am going to visit some places that I had made plan. Because I have not been good recently. It was a week-long trip. First(firstly), I’ll go to Ha Noi capital where visit some best friend. On the same occasion I will eat crisp shrimp pastry. That food I go to Ha Noi. I regularly eat every time( lan nao toi cung an mon banh tom). Although Banh Tom is available almost every where in our country but it is the best to have it at Ho Tay restaurant on the banks of Truc Bach lake.Besides, I am fond of eating Trang Tien ice. After I will visit uncle Ho museum. The rest of 3 days I will go to Hai Phong city. The city is famous with the season of flamboyant. There are many streets full flamboyant( nhung khu pho o day rop. mauvang cua hoa fuong? ). Come here, I only go to Do Son beach. The sceneries are very romantic and beautiful. They make me feel comfortably. I will take many photographs to make memory. See you soon Topic7: write a letter to invite your friend to a meeting Dear Giap Can we get together for a meeting on Monday at 2p. m, if that’s possible? How are you and your family?What the matter with everything. I wonder are you free con that day? A long time ago we don’t have chance to know together. I hope you will try to attend the meeting. First we will congregate at my home. We can hold a small party outside if you want. My home has a pretty small garden. I think that is a good idea. Do you agree with us? We’ll talk one by one about everything( chung ta se noi cho nhau biet ve moi thu cua tung nguoi mot). After we will visit some teachers at senior high school. I bet with you that day our classmates are full. So you must arrange the important meeting.In particular, if monitor absents from the meeting you will be ostracize. I hope meeting you the sooner the better. Topic 8: a boy/girl has just send a present on your birthday. You write a thank you letter Dear Giap, It was very nice of you to give me a present on my birthday. I wonder why do you know my birthday. You made me felt unexpectedly and more surprise it was a thing that I like best. You know, astonishingly! It was very beautiful and more wonderful when I received it on my birthday. I not only happy but also be moved. I don’t know how tell thank you for this a special present?I only tell thank you so much indeed. I will visit you on near day, when I can. I bet we will have many things to talk together. Particularly, you must tell me the reason why do you know my birthday? See you soon. Topic9: A friend of yours has bought a new house in HCM city and wants to know something about the town he. she is going to live. Write a letter to tell him. her what to expect. Dear Tung, I know you have just bought a small house in my city I think you are new to the surroundin gs when your family move here. You want to know something about the city you are now going to live. I live here rather long.So I know some advantages and disadvantages when living in a big city and crowded as HCM. HCM city is one of the most important and modern in Viet Nam. Problem of education for your children is easy. The future is themselves and studying is the most important thing. Here, you can look for everything easily. If you have good qualification you will apply for job easily,too. And your promotion isn’t difficult. However, this city has some disadvantages. Such as population is crowded because the air isn’t clean. Rivers is polluted and smell felid. I said that it is crowded because you are always get caughtin the rush hours traffic.The price is expensive. The cost of everything is always steadily increase. In my opinion, you can bought insurance for things that you want. Besides you can deposit your savings in bank if you want to ensure for your family. Do you intend to settle in HCM city? How do you feel about HCM city? Maybe your new house is very nice, I think so. I’ll visit you on near day and hope your family and mine have a meeting. I expect the members in your family get used to new life quickly. To wish your family happiness. To meet again the sooner the better. Topic10: you have got a letter from a friend who said she/he would be coming to your city.Write 80 words. How do you do when your family come. Dear Tom, I’m so glad to hear from you. It is good news that you might be in my city for a few week’s time and visited me. When you go to my city I will pick you up at the Quang Ngai station. You don’t worry about hotel. My house has many rooms and I prepaired a room for you. You only come here travel comfortably. I will lead you go to the My Khe beach and Thien An mountain. We can take some photographs to make memory. Do you want to visit Dung Quat wharf? It’s large and beautiful. Iâ€℠¢ll lead you go to visit Vinashin shipyard.There are many big ships from ten thousand ton to fifteen thousand ton. After we will go off to the native village for two weeks to get some good clean air. We’ll fly a kite in the afternoon. In the evening well catch fish with my uncle and etc†¦Many things I want to do with you. You haven’t come here but I am happy and looking forward to your visit. I miss you. The sooner the better. How do you feel about Viet Nam? What kind of places did you travel to? And next time will you have intend to traveling? Would you like to visit my hometown? How do you think about my suggestion? [email protected] com
Thursday, November 7, 2019
roe vs wade essays
roe vs wade essays In 1973, 904 abortions were preformed in New York and in 1992 only 694. Americas concerns over abortion and under what circumstances it should be allowed was catapulted into controversy on January 22 1973. On that day the U.S Supreme Court declared unconstitutional a Texas law prohibiting an abortion except for the propose of saving a womens life by a vote of 7-2. The decision reached after two presentations before the court invalidated abortion laws in 46 states. The court declared 1. In the first three months of pregnancy the abortion decision must be left to the women and her doctor. 2. In the interest of protecting womens health, states may restrict but not prohibit abortion s in the second or third trimesters of pregnancy 3. In the last three months of pregnancy states may regulate or even prohibit abortions to protect the life of the fetus except when medical judgment determines that an abortion is necessary to save the life of the mother. Jane Roe later identified as Norma McCorvey had sought an abortion in Texas but since her life was not in danger she was unable to obtain a legal abortion in Texas. This case was fought to challenge the constitutionality of the Texas law aiming to establish a new constitutional right allowing women to control their own bodies. The US district court for northern Texas declared abortion law unconstitutional but declined to grant injunctive relief to the plaintiffs. Roe and Wade appealed the court decision. During the Supreme Court hearing the court had been concerned with the rights of an unborn fetus. The case was eventually focused on amendment 14 of the constitution, which is the right to privacy protected under due process. People began to protest that the Supreme Court ignored state legislation in the expressed constitutional provisions in history. Today's debate over abortion remains as harsh as when it first began. ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
An Exploratory Study Of Attitudinal And Behavioural †Free Samples
Leadership is crucial in every organization that exists today. A great leader can help a team reach the pinnacle of success. On the other hand, a bad leader can misguide the team and adversely impact the team’s performance (Kesidou & Carter, 2018). An effective leader must be capable to make sound decisions and earn respect. It is imperative to understand the leadership qualities that one possesses in order to ensure being a charismatic leader in the future. A good leader must always work towards finding the solution to a problem rather than the other way round. An optimistic leader can keep the morale of the teammates high and create a positive environment at the workplace (Goleman, 2017). It is important that the leader is optimistic to build trust, respect and motivate people to work hard. In the times of a crisis, an optimistic leader will not lose hope but rather motivate his team mates to stay positive and face the situation. For example: Steve jobs is the founder of a leading brand the Apple Inc. Steve Jobs has faced various issues in his entire lifespan. He was diagnosed with a life threatening illness. He was fired from his own organization and very often he did not have the means or resources to have an entire day’s meal. Despite all these adverse situations, he continued to positive and remained optimistic throughout. This helped him make the best out of every situation and such an attitude allowed him to make such a significant mark in the world. A great leader must be visionary. It is important the leader’s eyes are set on the future and it is easy for him to anticipate what the future might hold. It is essential that the leader looks beyond the present and provides for a solution for future problems of the world. A visionary leader will always be better prepared for the future. Such an attitude helps leader introduce new technologies and set long term future goals. For Example: Elon musk is a true visionary leader. He works hard and builds technologies which have never been seen before. It is only his ability to see through the future and devise strategies that allow him to perform better than his competitors and stand apart. His visions for the world are a source of inspiration for many people across the globe. A charismatic leader automatically draws attention towards himself and creates a set of loyal followers. A charismatic leader is always easy to follow. There is something about a charismatic leader’s personality and aura that makes the leader different from the crowd. Such a leader finds it easy to motivate people and persuade them in the right direction. For Example: Narendra Modi is the current Prime Minister of India. He is a charismatic personality and when he announced his candidature for the Prime Ministerial elections in the country, there was no doubt that he would be elected by a majority vote. Through his charisma and flamboyance, he has participated in various international events, established relationships with many countries and attracted millions of investment in his country. One of the most important aspects of a leader’s personality would always be the leader’s ability to make quick decisions. A leader would often be put in critical situation where he would have to make decisions on an urgent basis. The magnitude of the decision’s impact may also be massive. Therefore it is imperative that the leader possesses the ability to make quick decisions for himself and his team (Bolman & Deal, 2017). For Example: Dr. Raghuram Rajan who is a renowned economist and currently a professor at the University of Chicago. The man has served as a chief advisor for the IMF and has been the chief of the central bank of India. Raghuram Rajan has changed the face of Indian economy by taking crucial decisions of the country. He revived the interest rates, brought down inflation and this led to the growth of the Indian economy. Being a great leader automatically comes with abundant responsibility. There are a large number of followers who are associated with a great leader. Therefore it becomes the responsibility of the leader to be ethical and create an example in the society (Ciulla, 2014). This aspect is very crucial in order to ensure that no leader has a negative influence on the society. For Example: Ratan Naval Tata who is the founder of the TATA group of companies has not only created a storm by building a solid brand but has also redefined ethics by following the path of righteousness throughout his lifespan. The TATA group of companies has not been a part of any scandal and they have always taken great care to ensure the growth of their stakeholders. My biggest strength is that I am a highly optimistic person. I try to see the best in every situation. I remain positive and I try to spread that positivity across people. I have worked very hard to remain positive and even in terms of a crisis I put efforts to remain positive and handle the situation with optimism. I have always believed that I have a strong personality and I often easily become the center of attention in a group of people. I have worked hard to build this personality. This personality also makes it easier for me get an audience who will listen to me attentively. This has been possible due to many competitions that I have participated in. As mentioned earlier, that in case of a crisis too, I find it easy to remain optimistic. Therefore it is easy for me to make quick decisions and handle any situation practically. I am easily able to perform a situational analysis of my current condition and find it easy to make a decision that deems to be most appropriate. I often find it difficult to focus on long term goals. My short term visions are very clear and I am of the opinion that I can only aim for the next goal once the goal at hand has been achieved. I need to build this skill in order to be a successful leader. I also find it difficult to remain ethical. I try to make the most profit out of a given situation and I strongly believe that some ends justify any means. This makes me get tempted towards doing unethical activities. However, I now make a deliberate effort to not get lured into the wrong direction. Culture is basically a group of people who have the same history, religion, beliefs, morale and knowledge. Culture holds a massive impact on the individual’s leadership skills. I come from India and here we are taught to give respect to people coming from different backgrounds. This is exactly what makes a positive person. I am empathetic in my behavior due to my respect and understanding of different people. This will positive impact my leadership skills. In the country, we have a massive population and we often have to adjust to the situations that are presented before us. Hence it makes me able to take decisions and see the best in every situation. Steve Jobs in the founder of the Apple Inc. He is an entrepreneur who has inspired millions of people with his innovation, optimism, decision making and effective leadership abilities. My biggest strength is my communication skills. I have always been good at communicating with people and making my voice heard. I try to establish deep relationships with people around me through my communication skills and it also helps me resolve conflicts as and when they arise. For example: Steve Jobs created a loyal team of followers through his oratory skills. Steve Jobs was invited to various universities to deliver speeches because they inspired millions of people. Every leader must have great communication skills (Fairhurst & Connaughton, 2014). These speeches are still available on YouTube and are a source of motivation for people. My next strength is my optimism and my ability to make the best out of every situation For example: Steve Jobs spent days without adequate resources, faced immense failure and criticism, was fired from his own company and even faced terminal illness but he continued to remain optimistic and turned every situation around to the best of his abilities. My weakness is my inability to be forgiving. For Example: Steve Jobs was betrayed by his own people and fired from a business that he started. However, after the establishment of Pixar, he accepted to work with Apple Inc. again. I need to learn this skill and work upon being more forgiving. It is important that one develops leadership qualities at an early stage as the future often presents people with various leadership opportunities. My reason behind working on my skills is to ensure that I become a great leader and leave a significant mark in the society. I need to work upon my ability to remain patient and not become aggressive. I often feel very possessive about myself and my team and I tend to become aggressive in discussions if I truly believe that I am right. I need to work on this skills to ensure better coordination with people in the future. I also need to be able to build long term goals and become a visionary to ensure that I can set long term goals for my team and bring in innovation. This will help me a gain an advantage over my competitors and I will be able to introduce something new in the world. Courses on leadership: In order to improve my leadership skills there are various courses that are available that can be taken. I will register myself for those course and work upon improving my skills. Books by role model: My role model is Steve Jobs and there are various books that have been written that include his journey as a leader. I would read those books and gain learning from the same. Revise goals: I will start working towards setting long term goals and will continue to revise these goals on a daily basis. This will help me get used to making a long term goals for myself and my team. I will also read various books to work on this and use planners to ensure setting a more strategic future goal. Meditate and read: In order to ensure that I remain ethical throughout my career I will work towards doing meditation and reading spiritual books that will help me and guide me in the right direction to remain ethical. External motivation: It is important for a leader to continue to remain positive and motivated. I will read various books and watch motivational videos to remain motivated and inspired throughout. Motivation is temporary and therefore it often requires to be fueled through external sources every now and then. Feedback: In order to consistently improve my leadership skills, I will take consistent feedback from my seniors, family members, peers and juniors. I will do my best to take all the feedbacks constructively and work towards the suggestions given to me. Experience is the best teacher and there is no learning that classrooms can give which experience cannot. Feedback from teachers and friends will help me improve my skills in the right direction and work towards improving upon my weaknesses. Online tests which test one’s leadership abilities are available in abundance throughout the internet. I will take these tests frequently and work upon the feedback received from these tests. Money: I would require money for taking classes and online tests. Time: I need to devote a considerable amount of time to work upon improving my skills Internet: This is required for me to take online tests Books: I would be reading books on leadership to enhance my skills. Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons. Ciulla, J. B. (Ed.). (2014). Ethics, the heart of leadership. ABC-CLIO. Fairhurst, G. T., & Connaughton, S. L. (2014). Leadership: A communicative perspective. Leadership, 10(1), 7-35. Goleman, D. (2017). Leadership That Gets Results (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Press. Kesidou, E., & Carter, S. (2018). Entrepreneurial leadership: an exploratory study of attitudinal and behavioral patterns over the business lifecycle. International Review of Entrepreneurship. Getting academic assistance from
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Polishing a Written Agreement Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10750 words
Polishing a Written Agreement - Thesis Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chapter One Description of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter Two Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Chapter Three The Proposed Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Chapter Four The Intervention Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Chapter Five Data Collection Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Chapter Six Summary of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Chapter One Description of the Problem Statement of the Purpose In presenting the purpose of the project, it is important to lay down the premises at the outset. As stated in the abstract, the thesis is about the Keyholder Agreement. It is a bilateral written covenant although there are actually three parties, GE Security, Inc., the key-holder and the Organization to where the key-holder belongs. Owing to concerns about the perception that the Keyholder Agreement has become lengthy or complicated or both after a considerable period of time, it is advisable to review this written contract. Apparently, the purpose of this project is to therefore see if there is a need to either (a) simplify and make clearer the Keyholder Agreement especially to the key-holders, (b) or shorten the Keyholder Agreement,...(Daly, David T. Five Ways to Make a Contract More Understandable: A Lesson from the Mackinac Bridge. Plain Language.[internet]). It is thus pragmatic to use the language and content structure which are best understood by the executing parties without sacrificing the substance of the instrument. In the present case, the subject is the so-called Keyholder Agreement which has to be studied and analyzed in order to arrive at the suggestion of whether or not to revise, modify or amend it. In presenting the purpose of the project, it is important to lay down the premises at the outset. As stated in the abstract, the thesis is about the Keyholder Agreement. It is a bilateral written covenant although there are actually three parties, GE Security, Inc., the key-holder and the Organization to where the key-holder belongs. Owing to concerns about the perception that the Keyholder Agreement has become lengthy or complicated or both after a considerable period of time, it is advisable to review this written contract. Apparently, the purpose of this project is to therefore see if there is a need to either (a) simplify and make clearer the Keyholder Agreement especially to the key-holders, (b) or shorten the Keyholder Agreement, (c) or simplify the Keyholder Agreement, make it clearer and shorten it. At this point, it is pertinent to stress that the subject contract, coming from GE Security, Inc., is on
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